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The New York Times

"TEST, set in San Francisco in 1985, captures with extraordinary precision and sensitivity the moment when an H.I.V. test became available."


"As Frankie, Mr. Marlowe delivers a quiet, moving performance of such subtlety and truthfulness that you almost feel that you are living his life."


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Film Comment

"[Test] eschews both radical-chic hagiography and after-the-fact moralizing in its richly stylized take on the era’s physical and emotional dislocation."


"Johnson and DP Daniel Marks film the dance performances (brilliantly choreographed by Sidra Bell) with a thrilling combination of cinematic vivacity and restraint. They know when the camera should be the dancer’s partner, and when it should be a rapturous spectator."


"A film of rare electricity and intelligence... If there was ever a contemporary film that illuminates why queer cinema still matters, this is it."


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The Dance Current 6/25/2014

"A cast of extraordinarily skilled actor-dancers"

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The Gay UK 6/23/2014


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The Daily Californian  6/15/2014

"The dance sequences are beautiful, and the repetition throughout the film of the primary choreography by different dancers reincarnates the dance into something intriguing and new each time."

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Reverse Shot  6/13/2014

"This gem of a movie offered me a gift... For a time, anyway, it made me a little more connected, and a little less alone."

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The New York Times  6/13/2014 

"Extraordinary precision and sensitivity..." "Here is San Francisco as it was in its bohemian twilight,

on the eve of catastrophe."

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The Village Voice/LA Weekly  6/11/2014

"The dance sequences are riveting. The final sequence, featuring Matthew Risch as Frankie's acerbic fellow dancer, is terrific."

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Slant Magazine  6/08/2014

"Adept as both timely character study and epochal drama, TEST the film wonderfully manages fully formed humanism without sentimentality."

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OUT  6/06/2014

"Dance becomes the unexpected, yet surprisingly effective, backdrop in the new film, TEST."

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SF Chronicle  6/06/2014

"Writer-director Chris Mason Johnson has created a visually compelling film about an important subject that until now had pretty much defied cinematic expression."

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Next Magazine  6/06/2014

"Touching, funny, and beautiful."

The Wrap  6/05/2014

"This lovely and contemplative film examines the impact of the then-new HIV test on dancers in San Francisco in the mid-1980s."

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NPR  6/05/2014

"There's a performance scene at its midway point — Frankie's first opportunity to perform with the company — that stands out as one of the best from any film this year."

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SF Bay Guardian  6/04/2014

"A quiet, thoughtful study of a person, and a community, trying to reorient and find footing amid a cataclysm."

North Bay Bohemian 6/04/2014

"A memorable movie about the city's edge-of-doom days, the quiet fear and the remorseless beauty. TEST does a startlingly good job of evoking San Francisco in 1985."

full review 6/03/2014
"A magnificent period piece." 
SF Bay Times  5/30/2014
"How audiences come to judge and appreciate the characters is part of what makes TEST so abosrbing." 
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Film Comment  9/5/2013
"A film of rare electricity and intelligence... If there was ever a contemporary film that illuminates why queer cinema still matters, this is it."
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Out Magazine  7/18/2013
"Excellent, gripping, surprisingly funny and beautifully shot." 
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The Advocate  7/18/2013
"A breathtaking little film... beautiful and captivating."
LA Weekly  7/11/2013
"Deeply rewarding... with a delightful feel for period detail."
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Indiewire  6/28/2013
"The lithe Marlowe and his staggering cheekbones give a nuanced performance."
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Bay Area Reporter  6/27/2013
"Hugely entertaining... TEST climaxes gloriously in a late-night dance-your-ass-off."
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